Tips to cultivate happiness

  1. Move your body, boost your endorphins by exercising.

  2. If you are a creative person, try painting, writing or arts and crafts.

  3. Be still for a few moments and reflect on your life and how you are feeling in the moment.

  4. Make a commitment to focus on what you like and admire about yourself and your life.

  5. Make a list of positive statements and affirmations. Make a commitment to say them in the mirror each day.

  6. Reflect on all of the good that has happened today.

  7. Focus on what a privilege it is to be alive and living in this very moment.

  8. Feed your body, hydrate your body, rest your body. Give your body what it needs to feel good.

  9. Embrace the outdoors.

  10. If you like to dance, let loose for a little and get out of your head.

  11. Volunteer at a local shelter or perform acts of kindness.

  12. Switch up your routine — change your alarm for an inspiring song that you love, wear something you haven’t worn in a while, drive a different route to work.

  13. Meditate for a few minutes before you start your day. Reflect on the day ahead. Surrender all of your worries by breathing deep.


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