How to offer criticism

  1. Cool Down: Try to avoid offering criticism when you are too emotional.  Wait until you have better control of your emotions.

  2. Consider Your Intent: Realize the difference between constructive and destructive criticism.

  3. Separate Fact From Fiction: Try to be rational.

  4. Do It Now: Try to offer criticism as soon after the act as possible.

  5. Make an Appointment: If you can’t do it now, make an appointment to discuss it later.

  6. Offer Ideas, Suggestions and Options: It is helpful if you can offer possible solutions, constructive alternatives or any ideas to solve the problem.

  7. Know When to be Emotional and When to be Logical:  It is acceptable and healthy to talk about how you feel about a particular behavior but when it comes to problem solving, it is generally best to be more logical.

  8. Do NOT Play Therapist:  Try to limit comment regarding the causes, motive, or meanings of another person’s behavior. Focus on the behavior and possible solutions.

  9. Be Specific:  Avoid generalizations in criticism.  No one can change unless they know exactly what you want. Consider who, what, when, where, why, how and when you offer criticism.

  10. Praise in Public, Criticize in Private:  No one likes to have their faults pointed out in front of an audience.

  11. Praise More Than You Criticize:  People are more likely to respond favorably to criticism if they receive praise on a regular basis.


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